Blog: Financial AI + VR

Get Ready for Oxogen in VR!

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial investment, two groundbreaking technologies—Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR)—are converging to create unprecedented opportunities. AI’s capacity for automated financial opportunity discovery is particularly revolutionary. AI can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, outperforming humans in uncovering investment opportunities. AI agents can automatically analyze financial reports, market trends, news feeds, patents, social media, and economic indicators to identify viable opportunities that align with investors’ unique goals, risk tolerance, and thematic interests. This democratizes advanced financial analytics, giving individuals access to insights previously reserved for financial experts and institutions. 


Although VR has not found its killer application yet, finance could be the field where VR unveils its full potential. VR presents compelling opportunities for transforming personal investment management. 


This blog post delves into the amplified potential created by merging AI and VR, exploring how these combined forces can enhance our reach and capabilities in the financial space.

The Limitless Screen of VR 


Introducing VR, an innovation rapidly evolving to redefine how we perceive and interact with data. Traditional 2D screens serve as confining view holes, constraining our ability to process complex information effectively. In stark contrast, VR offers a limitless screen—an expansive, immersive space that envelops users in data, providing a true 360-degree perspective. 


Human cognition flourishes with spatial awareness, influencing our interaction with complex environments. Immersive 3D environments align seamlessly with our natural inclination for navigating and understanding three-dimensional spaces. In traditional financial analysis, overwhelmed by volume and complexity of information, this immersive experience enables more intuitive and impactful data manipulation. Users can explore financial landscapes, trends, and patterns unattainable in 2D. 


However, VR’s full potential remains unrealized. The true revolutionary impact will emerge at the intersection of VR and AI, making a paradigm shift in financial research and insights from passive observation to active exploration. 

Enhancing Traditional Tools with AI and VR 


Existing tools such as stock screeners, comparative diagrams, and news flows can be transformed and extended into innovative visualizations within VR. AI aids in traversing extensive datasets, highlighting crucial information and facilitating seamless comparisons of complex data. Imagine having the capability to see everything at once, with the freedom to zoom in and out effortlessly to explore different data facets.  


The revolution does not stop at visualization; voice and generative AI are advancing the frontier even further. Users can now dictate financial objectives in natural language, and the AI translates these into computational models executed in real-time. Generative AI can actively reduce information overload by summarizing numerical insights into concise human-consumable form to facilitate quicker informed decisions. 


Oxide AI’s Financial VR+AI Approach 


At Oxide AI, we are committed to empowering individuals with cutting-edge investment research tools powered by advanced AI. Our journey begins with Oxogen, our financial tool available across web, mobile, and wearable devices (Apple Watch). However, our long-term vision extends beyond these boundaries. We believe that the fundamental transformation of investment research lies at the intersection of VR and AI. 


Are you ready to embrace these new superpowers? Oxide AI is gearing up to launch Oxogen VR, currently in beta testing. Join us in shaping the future of financial research by experiencing Financial AI in VR.  

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